Posted by: alanrobertson | July 16, 2008

Do Not Attempt Unless Your Name is MacGyver

Remember my pride in cleaning my a/c coils myself?  Remember my joy about having frosty air blowing through the vents?

When you have a 15-20 year old a/c unit held together with little more than baling wire and duct tape, do not attempt to take a cover off and clean out debris.  This, my friends, is what I attempted to do and in so doing, I probably jarred an electrical connection loose.  Thus, as I type this, I sit in a house without air conditioning.

To be sure, our house makes the best of the situation.  I wouldn’t want to try this experience in a house originally built with air conditioning.  Our house, built in 1928, may not have originally had electricity, much less air conditioning.  Thus, our 2/1 home has fifteen windows and screen doors on both front and back doors.  Plus, we’re lucky in that every major room has a ceiling fan.

So with every window not painted shut open + 4 ceiling fans + 2 oscillating fans + 2 doors open, it’s tolerable in this house.  The thermostat temperature gauge reads 87 degrees inside the house, but it feels much cooler, although The Weather Channel reports that it’s 92 degrees currently at Waco Regional Airport.

But seriously – don’t take apart your older a/c unit unless you absolutely have to.  Take it from one who learned the hard way.

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